What's New In CRGC's Web Site?

This page is intended to simplify finding out about current events and items of interest at CRGC.  Rather than have you search all over the web site to find them, we are going to try to keep track of them for you here.  What follows is a list of hyperlinks to entries.  Older entries will be removed after the event, or 30 to 60 days after the initial posting, or longer if appropriate.  If you have further questions about any of the items, feel free to communicate with the people named in the item (use The Board button for e-mail IDs and telephone numbers), or call the clubhouse (503-266-2453), or send an e-mail to crgc@canby.com, and the message will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

For a list of old "What's New" notes, select What's New History  for previous entries in this page.